Photography Policy
Swim Narberth's Photography Policy
Updated: 1st January 2025

Swim Narberth recognises the need to share customer journeys on social media platforms. Social Media is a huge part of our society where people can share what they enjoy with others. For Swim Narberth to be a part of this movement, this policy will provide information around rules and regulations of photography & videography while using our facilities.
Guidelines for sharing photographs and videos taken in our facilities online:
· The customer must make sure they have permission to share the image
· They are only to share the image if all of the people in the picture are happy for them to do so
· Encourage customers to tag us using @swimnarberth and use the following #SWIMNARBERTH #SWIMNARB
· By tagging us, they are agreeing for us to share the image / video
What we are aiming to achieve:
· We want our customers to be part of our community
· We want to share members workouts and success to our stories to inspire others
· We want them to feel proud of their achievements
Under NO circumstances are members of the public allowed to use photographic or recording equipment including mobile phones in the following areas:
· All Changing Areas
· Toilet Areas
· Viewing Gallery or Training Room
· In ALL public swimming sessions / Poolside
In the event of an organisation responsible for the activity demonstrating to management that they have obtained all relevant permission from either the individuals or in the case of children their parents/guardians to photograph/record then management will accede to this request. In this case, a photography request form must be completed by the organiser and approved by the Manager or Trustees on shift.
Should staff suspect that photographic equipment has been used in any of the above areas or sessions, they will approach the user and they will be asked to delete all photos / videos taken. Should any customer complain or express concern regarding the use of any photographic or recording equipment including mobile phones, permission will be withdrawn. Failure to abide by any of these guidelines and instructions from facility staff will result in permission to photograph / record being withdrawn.
What’s allowed?
· Any photos / videos taken by customers for non-commercial purposes, as long as they do not break any of the ‘What’s not allowed?’ rules. Users must respect the preferences of other users and staff when taking photos.
Swim Narberth Photography Policy Version 1:
· Appropriate photography is encouraged in the following areas of the facility; group exercise classes, social areas.
· At private birthday parties (Dry side only), it is the responsibility of the hirer to seek consent from all parents / guardians.
· Photos taken for publicity purposes by Swim Narberth CIO, following verbal consent from the subjects.
This policy mirrors Pembrokeshire Leisure Policy to ensure compliance within Pembrokeshire.